Bridges Preliminary Design
Bridges Preliminary Design
This easy to use spreadsheet tool created by Atkins for the BCSA and Tata Steel (formerly Corus) provides initial estimates of flange areas and web thicknesses for typical steel composite bridge cross sections.
It is consistent with the latest SCI guidance on composite highway bridge design, and the plate sizes were derived using the Eurocodes and relevant UK National Annexes. The scope includes simply supported and continuous plate girders for both multi-girder and ladder decks.
The spreadsheet tool accounts for the differences between inner and outer girders, and provides both elastic and plastic designs.
It is accompanied by a helpful User Manual explaining exactly what the tool is, and how to use it.
A series of design charts are also available to facilitate manual calculation if desired.
Preliminary steel bridges design software
Bridge Design Chart Finder
National Structural Steelwork Specification (NSSS)
The National Structural Steelwork Specification and associated publications - Corrigenda and Commentary

Steel Construction Building Information Modelling (BIM) Charter
The BCSA Building Information Modelling Charter (BIM) for the constructional steelwork industry

Steel Construction Info
Steelconstruction.info presents a wealth of information and advice from and for the steel construction sector in a simple to use and searchable format.
Steel Industry Guidance Notes (SIGNS)
The information given in SIGNS is for general information, covering practical advice on technical, commercial, legal, marketing and health and safety issues.Some of the information contained in them may have been superseded in the intervening years