Why use a BCSA RQSC listed company?
RQSC listed companies have demonstrated competence and capability through a rigorous assessment, providing clients improved service and confidence on their projects.
Why use a BCSA RQSC registered Steelwork Contractor?
Choosing the right steelwork contractor is key to the success of your project. With close to 90 registered steelwork contractor members, BCSA provides plenty of choice to ensure a suitably qualified and competitive tender list. Selecting a Steelwork Contractor has never been easier. All BCSA Steelwork Contractor for Buildings Members and RQSC Bridgeworks Steelwork Contractors are regularly visited by experienced auditors to assess their competency, capability and business credentials.
By using a BCSA RQSC member not only can you be confident that you are choosing the most appropriate steelwork contractor for your project, you are also supporting the UK and Irish economies.
It shows you value quality
RQSC members have their quality credentials displayed in their directory listings, so you can quickly see if they are likely to meet the demands of your quality management system.
Ensures you appoint an appropriate contractor
RQSC contractors are pre-assessed so you know in advance that they have the specialist skills and meet the requirements for your steelwork construction project.
Ensures a competitive tender list
With close to 90 BCSA RQSC registered companies, there is plenty of choice to ensure a competitive tender list.
Demonstrates that you have chosen a competent contractor
The RQSC assessment process is based on the common assessment standard which incorporates sections on health and safety, sustainability, company credentials, environmental practices etc, as well as specific steelwork project related competencies such as quality of work, demonstration of suitable equipment and specialist skills.
BCSA has done the leg work for you!
Our directories are searchable and can be tailored to meet the bespoke needs of each of your projects. BCSA members are classified by a guide contract value each can handle.
RQSC contractor member directories are tailored to meet the bespoke needs of your projects. Companies can be searched by location, guide contract value classification, the type of buildings or bridgeworks they can fabricate and the accreditations they hold.

RQSC for Buildings Directory
RQSC for Building members are companies who undertake the design, fabrication and erection of steelwork for all forms of construction in building and civil engineering. Member listings can be searched by 14 building types, contract values, accreditations and location.

RQSC for Bridgeworks Directory
The Register of Qualified Steelwork Contractors Scheme for Bridgeworks provides an easy and trusted way to select a steelwork contractor specialised in bridgeworks and infrastructure for tender lists. Member listings can be tailored by 11 sub-categories of bridge construction, contract values, accreditations and location.

Industry Members
Industry members are companies involved in the direct supply to all or some BCSA steelwork contractors of components, materials or products. Categories include; computer software, design services, manufacturing equipment, protective systems, safety systems, steel producers, steel stockholders, structural component and structural fasteners.

Stakeholder Members
Stakeholder members are clients, professional offices, educational establishments etc which support the development of national specifications, quality, fabrication and erection techniques, overall industry efficiency and good practice.
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