Governance of BCSA

History and company information

BCSA originally developed from a series of mergers involving regional and sector specific associations.

Five steelwork contractors in Manchester began to collaborate in 1906, and then formally established the Steelwork Society in 1908.

Similar groups established themselves around the country, and joint meetings were held. In the early 1930s the British Steelwork Association operated from London as a national, federated association funded by, and representing, the local associations.

The British Constructional Steelwork Association was formed in 1936, to succeed the British Steelwork Association. In return for recognition from the steel manufacturers in raw material negotiations, their fabrication subsidiaries were permitted to join the new association. Membership immediately jumped from 92 to 159.

In 1967 The British Constructional Steelwork Association Ltd was incorporated at Companies House (company number 00895252) and took over all the activities of the British Constructional Steelwork Association, Bridge and Constructional Ironwork Association, London Constructional Engineers Association, Midland Structural Association, Scottish Structural Steel Association, Steelwork Society, Northern Ireland Steelwork Association, and Structural Export Association.

In 1990 the company was renamed as BCSA Ltd, and became the parent organisation under which subsequent subsidiary companies sit. In 2006 membership was extended to incorporate companies in the Republic of Ireland. The Association (The British Constructional Steelwork Association Limited), company number 02457906 is the membership body. The Steel Construction Certification Scheme Limited (no 02370407) operates independently as an assessment and certification provider. Steel For Life Limited is the marketing and business development body.

Coat of Arms

BCSA was granted the right to bear Arms in 1987. The shield is a helmet on a background of red lines representing a framework of girders, and the crest is a red lion symbolising the strength of steel, and also British nationality. The lion is dotted with gold bezants representing fair dealing in commerce; the yellow, blazing torch, held aloft by the lion, represents the association's enlightening message of training, information and research and the crest, atop a red and gold torse, is set within a circle of steel ingots.

The motto depicted on the arms is Strength and Stability, intended as reference to both the association and structural steel.[20]

The crest is used in the BCSA's logo.

Memorandum and Articles of Association

The Memorandum and Articles of Association, sets up the governance of the Association; its aims and objectives, the decision making structure, the purpose of and types of meetings held along with an overview who can attend each of them. It also sets out the BCSA membership terms and conditions. Any changes to the memorandum and articles of association have to be carried out by Special Resolution at an Extraordinary General Meeting, to ensure that member’s best interests are maintained and that an unbiased acceptance of changes are made.

BCSA Presidents – Office Bearers

Every two years a new President is elected at the Annual General Meeting which representatives from all member companies are invited to attend to carry out duties prescribed and designated by Council. The person elected is always from a BCSA member company. During the two year-term, the President is required to be re-elected at the BCSA Annual General Meeting. Support to the President is provided with a Deputy President and Immediate Past President, who collectively act as a sounding board for the BCSA CEO to present new initiatives prior to approaching Council and also representing the BCSA at UK and International events. The current structure is:

BCSA President

Mr Gary Simmons

From BCSA Member Company

BCSA Deputy President

Dr Chris Durand

From BCSA Member Company

BCSA Immediate Past President

Mr Mark Denham

From BCSA Member Company


BCSA Council

The BCSA Council is the Board of Directors of the Association, which reviews and ratifies the accounts and is required to oversee and approve all major financial and policy decisions of the BCSA.

The Council meets three times a year and reviews and the main activity of the BCSA.

Council is comprised of the Chairmen/women of the Regions and the BCSA Committees (as appointed by the members), the President, Deputy President, Immediate Past President, Past Presidents.

BCSA Staff

The day to day running of BCSA is carried out by its staff.

BCSA Group of Companies and Brands

Details on the BCSA's associated companies and brands including, Steel for Life, SCCS, SSDAs, and NSC

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Our Team

BCSA Team: Dr David Moore, Pete Walker, Deborah Harrison, Ana Girao Coelho, Don Thornicroft, Zoe Williams, Michael Sansom, Lorraine Mackinder, Sarah Vickers, Jessica Strong, Victoria Cooke

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Representing the UK and Irish Structural Steel sector for over a century

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