Register of Qualified Steelwork Contractors for Bridgeworks Membership
RQSC for Bridgeworks Steelwork Contractor Membership
What is RQSC for Bridgeworks?
RQSC for Bridgeworks was created in conjunction with the Highways Agency and has been mandated by them since 2001. With the introduction of the RQSC for Buildings to meet the requirements of the Building Safety Act, some of the questions have been updated in the assessment process and are based around the BuildUK Common Assessment Standards. The Building Safety Regulator is expecting industry to lead on how to demonstrate competency under the Building Safety Act.
Membership to BCSA is not mandatory to gain the RQSC Bridgework quality and competency badge, but by joining BCSA, you will gain many additional benefits and support, which can be found here.
By becoming a BCSA RQSC for Bridgeworks member your organisation can:
- Demonstrate competence and capability
- Improve client confidence and service
- Meet the requirements to tender for projects for Highways
England, Transport Scotland and Northern Ireland’s Department
for Regional Development
Membership overview
- 10 : up to £250,000
- 9: up to £350,000
- 8: up to £500,000
- 7: up to £600,000
- 6: up to £1,200,000
- 5: up to £2,400,000
- 4: up to £3,400,000
- 3: up to £5,000,000
- 2: up to £6,500,000
- 1: up to £10,000,000
- 0: more than £10,000,000
- AS - Ancillary structures in steel associated with bridges, footbridges or sign gantries (eg. grillages, purpose-made temporary works)
- BA - Bridges with stiffened complex platework (e.g. in decks, box girders or arch boxes)
- CF - Complex footbridges
- CM - Cable-supported bridges (eg. cable-stayed or suspension) and other major structures (eg. 100 meter span)
- FB - Footbridges
- FRF - Factory bridge refurbishment
- MB - Moving bridges
- PG - Bridges made principally from plate girders
- RF - Bridge refurbishment
- SG - Sign Gantries
- SRF - On site bridge refurbishment
- TW - Bridges made principally from trusswork
- X - Unclassified
For more information on joining the RQSC for Bridgeworks, please contact:
Lorraine MacKinder
Membership Manager
Lorraine’s role is to provide membership administration to all members of BCSA. Lorraine is responsible for the RQSC Buildings and Bridgeworks assessment administration, new member administration, organisation of regional meetings, annual general meetings and in-house meetings. Lorraine has over 17 years experience as an administration manager and personal assistant.
Specialist Areas
- Assessment
- Administration
- Member queries
- New member enquiries
- Meeting organisation

RQSC for Bridgeworks Directory
The Register of Qualified Steelwork Contractors Scheme for Bridgeworks provides an easy and trusted way to select a steelwork contractor specialised in bridgeworks and infrastructure for tender lists. Member listings can be tailored by 11 sub-categories of bridge construction, contract values, accreditations and location.

BCSA provides its members with information on a wide range of steel construction topics